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Quotes from Paul David Tripp

Their disappointed thinking had a fatal flaw in it. What they saw as being in the way of God's plan was actually part of his plan; what caused their faith to weaken was actually God's tool to build their faith.
- Paul David Tripp
parenting is either a thing of the highest treasure to you, and that is demonstrated in your choices, words, and actions every day, or it's not.
- Paul David Tripp
And they understand that if their children grow and mature in life and godliness, they become not so much their trophies, but trophies of the Savior that they have sought to serve. For them, it's God who does the work and God who gets the glory; they are just gratified that they were able to be the tools that God used.
- Paul David Tripp
Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear. (James 1:19)
- Paul David Tripp
So rest is never found in the quest to understand it all. No, rest is found in trusting the One who understands it all and rules it all for his glory and our good.
- Paul David Tripp
so much of what drives our responses to our kids is an unannounced set of laws that are more about what we want for ourselves and our lives than what God wants for and from our children. In our allegiance to our law, we end up breaking God's law in our interactions with our children. In this way we are just like our children: people who need to be rescued from ourselves. You
- Paul David Tripp
The most important thing that a child could ever learn about is the existence, character, and plan of God.
- Paul David Tripp
Prayer is surrender to the reality that there is wisdom greater than ours. Prayer confronts us with the fact that we are not as smart as we tend to think we are. It reminds us that there is so much we don't know or understand. It tells us that life is not found in our limited understanding, but in surrendering our lives to the care of the One whose understanding spans from before origin to beyond destiny and includes everything in between.
- Paul David Tripp
Children begin to lose respect for the parent who is content with a "do what I say and not as I do" relationship to children.
- Paul David Tripp
Prayer is abandoning hope of independent capability and believing that in Christ you're given everything you need for life and godliness.
- Paul David Tripp
One way God establishes beauty is by putting things that are different next to each other.
- Paul David Tripp
You see, the Advent story reminds us that our past, present, and future hope rest not on our willingness, but on the willingness of the One for whom the angels sang, the shepherds worshiped, and the magi searched. Willing Jesus is the only hope for unwilling sinners!
- Paul David Tripp