Quotes from Paul David Tripp
I fight with you because I have a heart problem. Rather than my heart being ruled by God and motivated by God's honor, my heart is ruled by my wants, my needs, and my feelings.
- Paul David Tripp
Only as we see our story enfolded in the larger story of redemption will we begin to live God-honoring lives.
- Paul David Tripp
God designed us to live in community, first with him and then with one another.
- Paul David Tripp
You and I must live temptation-aware; to fail to do so is to fail to recognize the fallenness of the world that happens to be the address where we live.
- Paul David Tripp
I may not understand what is happening and I may not know what is coming around the corner, but I know that God does and that he controls it all. So even when I am confused, I can have hope, because my hope does not rest on my understanding, but on God's goodness and his rule.
- Paul David Tripp
God justifies the ungodly. This means there really is hope for people like us.
- Paul David Tripp
Yes, it is true: that night the angels began a song that will never ever end. The Savior who rescued your heart now claims your song. Have you joined the choir?
- Paul David Tripp
We are all capable of fighting for what has little value while forgetting things of transcendent value.
- Paul David Tripp
Here's the bottom line: you and I struggle with the faithfulness of God, not because he has been unfaithful, but because we have.
- Paul David Tripp
Faith means you take God at his word, you never let yourself think that you're smarter than him, and you live inside his boundaries.
- Paul David Tripp
Without knowing it, we put our identity and inner peace in the hands of the people around us. We look to them for what no flawed human being will ever be able to deliver. We ride the roller coaster of their views of us. We begin to do things not because they are right, but because we know they will please those whose opinion of us and acceptance of us mean more than they should.
- Paul David Tripp
You see, there is no mystery with God. He is never caught off guard. He never wonders how he is going to deal with the unexpected thing. I love the words of Daniel 2:22: "He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with him.
- Paul David Tripp