Quotes from Paul David Tripp
This means he fights for us even when we have given up the fight. Our desire to follow him may weaken, but he will never give up or turn his back on us. He knows us because he made us, which is why he sent his Son to be for us what we could not be for ourselves and to do for us what we could not do on our own.
- Paul David Tripp
Wherever your story takes you, you'll never arrive there first, because your Lord is already there in sovereign presence and power, and he rules that place in infinite wisdom and holiness.
- Paul David Tripp
Word problems are often interpretation problems. We do not say the right thing because we do not believe the right thing.
- Paul David Tripp
Good parenting lives at the intersection of a humble admission of personal powerlessness and a confident rest in the power and grace of God.
- Paul David Tripp
Wisdom is the fruit of worship, and received on bended knee. It is the product of a life lived in submission to the One who is wisdom, Christ.
- Paul David Tripp
Think about this. The One who created and controls the world, the One who is the ultimate definition of what is loving, true, and good, and the One who alone has the power to finally defeat sin has chosen, because of his grace, to wrap his arms of faithful love and protection around you, and he will not let you go. You can take your life off your shoulders because God has placed it on his.
- Paul David Tripp
It requires powerful mercy for me to become a person who surrenders self-appointed authority to the authority of God.
- Paul David Tripp
It takes God's rescuing hand for me to forsake the purpose of my kingdom and take up the purpose of his.
- Paul David Tripp
Envy is self-focused; because it's self-focused, it's entitled; because it's entitled, it's demanding; because it's demanding, it tends to judge the goodness of God by whether he has delivered what you feel entitled to; and because it judges God on that basis, it leads you to question his goodness. Because you question God's goodness, you won't run to him for help. Envy is a spiritual disaster.
- Paul David Tripp
Suffering confronts us with the fact that life is not about us but about God. It is not about our glory but his.
- Paul David Tripp
If God is your Father, the Son is your Savior, and the Spirit is your indwelling Helper, you have hope no matter what you're facing.
- Paul David Tripp
Parenting is about being God's ambassadors in the lives of our children.
- Paul David Tripp