Quotes from Mike Bickle
On the other hand, Jesus rebuked those who could not receive because of their lack of faith in Him.
- Mike Bickle
One of the most important things to do in a church that wants to nurture and administrate prophetic ministry is to dial down the mysticism and the carnal desire to look superspiritual. We need to keep our eyes off people and remain focused on Jesus and His purpose for us.
- Mike Bickle
Shut the world out, withdraw from all worldly thoughts and occupations, and shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief object in prayer: to realize the presence of your heavenly Father.1 —ANDREW MURRAY
- Mike Bickle
which of course leads to experiencing more of His blessings). Although fasting is voluntary, it was considered a normal part of a believer's life in New Testament times. Notice that Jesus did not say "if " we fast, the Father will see and reward us but "when" we fast. Fasting is for those
- Mike Bickle
The Lord wants much more from His people than for them to be His workforce. He longs to have relationship with those who love Him and to partner with them in accomplishing His purposes.
- Mike Bickle
In today's church our primary focus has been on kingly duties such as winning our neighborhoods to the Lord and bringing the nations into the harvest. This is fantastic and worth giving our best to. Nevertheless, we cannot overlook the priestly dimension as emphasized in the tabernacle of David.This is extremely important because I believe that God will restore the priestly function of the tabernacle of David before the fullness of kingly power comes into manifestation.
- Mike Bickle
when we pray in agreement with God's will, our "weak prayers" move the heart of God even if they do not move ours.
- Mike Bickle
I really like the heart of Mary of Bethany. She was not an apostle. She was never famous, never wrote a book, never did a conference and never said much. Her passionate love was in secret—she just loved the Lord ferociously in secret.
- Mike Bickle
Prayer is far more boring and difficult if we seek to live one part of our lives as if it belonged to God and another part as if it belonged to us.
- Mike Bickle
He longs for. We are what He waits for as His inheritance. Knowing this, it is inconceivable that we would languish in the despair of insignificance. If only we could see who we are because of Him! We can confidently say, "I may never have a big ministry, I may never have a big business and I may never be well recognized in the arenas of man, but I will never be insignificant. I am the one He loves. I am the one He died for. I am the one He longs for. I am the one He waits for.
- Mike Bickle
It is not enough to desire to pray; we must resolutely stay with it. We must fight for our prayer lives because they will not develop on their own.
- Mike Bickle
I like the phrase my beloved because it shows that she maintains her affection for Jesus through her present season of testing. She harbors no resentment in her heart toward Jesus. She is not offended by her trial and does not stumble. He is still her beloved.
- Mike Bickle