Quotes from Kay Arthur
When we appropriate God's great enablers-His grace and His peace-we can achieve gentleness and calmness even during hard times.
- Kay Arthur
Faith is not faith until it is tested!
- Kay Arthur
There is a purpose in everything that God allows. Second
- Kay Arthur
Whatever it takes to get you to the place where God is your all in all and you live in total dependence on Him is worth the pain. Let
- Kay Arthur
God sent His Son—His only begotten Son, born of a virgin (and therefore without the sin that every human has at birth)—to die for our sins.
- Kay Arthur
Through a diligent study of God's Word, under the guidance of His Spirit, you'll drop a strong anchor that will hold in the storms of life. You will know your God. And when you know your God, not only will you be strong, but you will do great exploits for Him (Daniel 11:32).
- Kay Arthur
One of the most important principles of handling the Word properly and studying the Bible inductively is to interpret Scripture in the light of its context. Why? Because context always rules in interpretation.
- Kay Arthur
Greatness is never achieved nor dreams realized apart from great discipline.
- Kay Arthur
Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship. And as we all know, a relationship requires a high commitment to communication.
- Kay Arthur
Life can get distorted and out of whack when you don't know God. And you can't really know Him in truth apart from the Word of God. Look around you at the lives people are living. Find out how important the Bible is in their lives and how much time they devote to studying it. Notice the relationship between their knowledge of God and the way they handle life.
- Kay Arthur
There are times, beloved, when God will place you in the middle of trials—a hospital stay, rejection, a financial blow. He lets you hurt as others hurt, knowing that the way you handle it will be a testimony, that your response will show others that there's something awesomely different about you.
- Kay Arthur
From now on we recognize no one according to the flesh" (2 Corinthians 5:16)—you are a brand-new creature! Old things have passed away and all things have become new. Now, beloved of God, live accordingly.
- Kay Arthur