Quotes from Kay Arthur
Snuggle in God's arms. When you are hurting, when you feel lonely, left out. let Him cradle you, comfort you, reassure you of His all-sufficient power and love.
- Kay Arthur
God is in control and therefore in everything I can give thanks.
- Kay Arthur
If you are God's child, you are no longer bound to your past or to what you were. You're a new creature in Jesus Christ.
- Kay Arthur
As I am generous towards others ... As I see a person in need and don't just say, 'God bless you.' I am proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Kay Arthur
Really, then, our problem is not weakness, but independence! And in covenant, you die to independent living.
- Kay Arthur
I believe the reason so many are failing today is that they have not disciplined themselves to read God's Word consistently, day in and day out, and to apply it to every situation in life.
- Kay Arthur
Inductive Bible study draws you into personal interaction with the Scripture and thus with the God of the Scriptures so that your beliefs are based on a prayerful understanding and legitimate interpretation of Scripture—truth that transforms you when you live by it.
- Kay Arthur
God wants us to have faith that does not complain while waiting, but rejoices because we know our times are in His hands ... hands that labour for our highest good.
- Kay Arthur
my love cannot negate the words of my mouth and the righteousness I require.
- Kay Arthur
My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.
- Kay Arthur
attained. You will be, as Paul would say, pressing on and attaining that for which Jesus Christ laid hold of you. Which brings me to my next point—an avenue of ministry. What you have learned, God intends for you to share. I have a vision, and you, Beloved, are part of that vision. Our Lord's commission in Matthew 28 was that we make disciples of all men—that we teach them
- Kay Arthur
Ultimately, the goal of personal Bible study is a transformed life and a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Kay Arthur