Quotes from Catherine Marshall
Truth could never be wholly contained in words.
- Catherine Marshall
Don't wish upon a star, reach for one.
- Catherine Marshall
I'd long since learned that no difference in viewpoint should ever be allowed to cause the least break in love. Indeed, it cannot, if it's real love. ...But relationships can be kept intact without compromising one's own beliefs. And if we do not keep them intact, but give up and allow the chasm, we're breaking the second greatest commandment.
- Catherine Marshall
I was too old for my father to (be protective), too young to be flattered.
- Catherine Marshall
Still, he never felt that the sermons he wrote at the cottage were good. By the time he got back to Washington to preach them, they no longer excited him. They seemed cold, lifeless. This was probably because Peter's best sermons rose out of the soil of emotion in his own heart. That emotion had to be a present, valid reality. He could not conjure it up.
- Catherine Marshall
We don't have to accept blandness in life. God, who is the author of creativity, is ready to make a dull life adventuresome the moment we allow his Holy Spirit to go to work inside us.
- Catherine Marshall
I might have felt unimportant pitted against the awesome might of the mountains. I did not. Rather, on that mountain top I found something important that I had never known before: an awareness of a vital connection between me and the Authority behind all this beauty.
- Catherine Marshall
To know God as He really is-in His essential nature and character-is to arrive at a citadel of peace that circumstances may storm, but can never capture.
- Catherine Marshall
God insists that we ask, not because He needs to know our situation, but because we need the spiritual discipline of asking.
- Catherine Marshall
Fixin' onything is man's work," came Opal's firm answer. Tearin' down or killin', that thar's easy. Any addle-pated fool kin pull the trigger of a rifle-gun or fling a rock. It's fixin' that's hard, takes a heap more doin'.
- Catherine Marshall
I'm all for Spencer. He's sincere, idealistic, and a good preacher. I just don't believe that social action is the main business of the Church." "Then what is?" "Salvation.
- Catherine Marshall
Have you ever thought that the only ugl things in this Cove are man's fault, while the beautiful things are God's work? Look at those mountains.
- Catherine Marshall