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Quotes from G Campbell Morgan

No man lived a more strong and beautiful life than did John Wesley, and his view of death was that whenever it came he would be found at his duty; and the transition from that duty to heaven's service would be a natural one. Instead of death, let the Lord be expected; and the true attitude of life will be that of quiet pursuit of duty and constant readiness to greet Him.
- G Campbell Morgan
It was not that they hoped to escape another judgment which might be coming upon them; but they desired solidarity. Today we hear a great deal about the "solidarity of humanity"; and the endeavor to secure it by putting God out of His own world is a very old piece of history. Apart from Him, the only really cohesive force for humanity is absent, and confusion must be the result.
- G Campbell Morgan
This is the burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. He came to warn them that a day was coming, burning as an oven, wherein all stubble should be destroyed, because God loved them. Every message of coming judgment or blessing is a message of love, - whether spoken in words that sound hard, and harsh, and severe, revealing to them their true condition, or in words of tenderness, and comfort and wooing pathos.
- G Campbell Morgan
I sometimes think that we have an idea that our song and presence in heaven will add something to God. Never! You cannot add to God. No tinge of brightness can you put upon the beauty of His character, no greater fullness of love can you give. How then can I glorify Him? God is glorified in the perfect realization on the part of His people of all the gracious purposes of His love for them.
- G Campbell Morgan
Let us always confess when we cannot understand His methods that it is because we are finite, and He is infinite.
- G Campbell Morgan
Knowingly or unknowingly, humanity waits in its suffering, sorrow, and sin, in its baptism of tears and blood, - for what? For the King. Parties are leaderless, and nations are all at unrest. "Broken lies creation, Shaken earth's foundation, Anchorless each nation: Lord, come away!
- G Campbell Morgan
Self, renders it impossible to know Christ, when other loves and interests intervene, and breeds dissatisfaction with all else and makes that very self sad and weak. Christ absolute, lights the whole being with His love, and joy, and beauty, and shines on other loves to their sanctification, and so, the abnegation of self is self's highest development.
- G Campbell Morgan
God did not begin to love man when Jesus came. Jesus came to roll back the curtain and show man the heart that was eternal, the love that was always there. Christianity is not God's alteration of attitude toward man. It is not that in the old dispensation He was a policeman, and in this a father. He has always been a father. He never changes.
- G Campbell Morgan
We need more than anything else today, that our preachers should be messengers of God, that the people should be spoken to, as out of the divine oracles; not that the preacher is to be an oracle, for that would be a return to the worst form of priestism, but that he is to be a messenger, and that even the fact of his being a messenger is to be lost sight of in the enormous weight of the message he comes to proclaim.
- G Campbell Morgan
We stand, as did the men of old, in the valley, and ask the same question as they: "Watchman, what of the night?" Men of God upon the heights of vision, seers of the present day, looking out upon the great horizon, send back to us the old answer, "The morning cometh; the night also." The signs of the times are such as reveal the power of spirituality, side by side with the development of evil; but, thank God, beyond the night that comes is the larger day and gladder age for man.
- G Campbell Morgan
Remember that to these worlds and these beings and these ages we are to be the messengers of the grace and wisdom and glory of God. In that view the future loses its sense of dread, and one looks on to the new opportunities for art, and music, and poetry, and above all perchance of preaching, that are coming to the ransomed ones when the discipline of time is merged into the fitness of eternity, with reverent and holy desire.
- G Campbell Morgan
I have given up reading any book outside the Bible for proof of its inspiration. This blessed Book is gripping my inner consciousness more and more, and is compelling my obeisance to what must.
- G Campbell Morgan