Quotes from G Campbell Morgan
Holiness is not freedom from temptation, but power to overcome temptation.
- G Campbell Morgan
The purpose of God and the power of God is available for every man.
- G Campbell Morgan
What we do in the crisis always depends on whether we see the difficulties in the light of God, or God in the shadow of the difficulties.
- G Campbell Morgan
The supreme need in every hour of difficulty and distress is for a fresh vision of God. Seeing Him, all else takes on proper perspective and proportion.
- G Campbell Morgan
The world hates Christian people if they can see God in them.
- G Campbell Morgan
The supreme thing is worship. The attitude of worship is the attitude of a subject bent before the King... The fundamental thought is that of prostration, of bowing down.
- G Campbell Morgan
Prayer is life passionately wanting, wishing, desiring God's triumph. Prayer is life striving, toiling everywhere and everywhen for that ultimate victory.
- G Campbell Morgan
The prayer life does not consist of perpetual repetition of petitions. The prayer life consists of life that is always upward and onward and Godward.
- G Campbell Morgan
Oh, how strenuous is life! I know a little of it. Men "ought always to pray, and not to faint." How fierce the battle! I know something of the conflict, but I ought not to faint, because I can pray.
- G Campbell Morgan
The year is made up of minutes. Let these be watched as having been dedicated to God. It is in the sanctification of the small that hallowing of the large is secure.
- G Campbell Morgan
The whole life story of Jesus, on the human side, is the life story of One who lived by faith.
- G Campbell Morgan
If the church is to be missionary, she must be spiritual; and if the church is to be spiritual, she must be missionary.
- G Campbell Morgan