Quotes from David Platt
This is the curse of superficial religion: the constant attempt to do outward things apart from inward transformation.
- David Platt
Christianity is radically different from every other religion in the world.
- David Platt
Are We Going to die in our religion or are we going to die in our devotion?
- David Platt
The most glorious reason you exist is for the proclamation of the glory of God to the ends of the world. And it's more than having a nice life.
- David Platt
The road that leads to heaven is risky, lonely, and costly in this world, and few are willing to pay the price. Following Jesus involves losing your life-and finding new life in him.
- David Platt
Spiritual deception is dangerous -and damning.
- David Platt
By God's design, he has wired his children for spiritual reproduction. He has woven into the fabric of every single Christian's DNA a desire and ability to reproduce.
- David Platt
My life is a blank check before God... No strings attached.
- David Platt
He (Jesus) came so that we might receive new life through supernatural regeneration.
- David Platt
Repentance is a rich biblical term that signifies an elemental transformation in someone's mind, heart, heart, and life.
- David Platt
Jesus came to live the life we could not live and to die the death we deserve to die.
- David Platt
Believing in the Jesus of the Bible makes life risky on a lot of levels because it is absolute surrender of every decision we make, every dollar we spend, our lives belong to another.
- David Platt