Quotes from Andrew Murray
Chastisement leads to the fellowship of God's Son. Only in Christ do we have the power to love and rejoice in the will of God.
- Andrew Murray
May God teach us that our thoughts, words, and feelings concerning our fellow man are His test of our humility towards Him.
- Andrew Murray
And again, alas! for how many Christians there are for whom, when the word is heard, it has but little attraction, because it has never yet been shown to them as a life that is indeed possible, and unutterably blessed.
- Andrew Murray
Prayer is not merely coming to God to ask something from him. It is above all fellowship with God and being brought under the power of his holiness and love, till he takes possession of us and stamps our entire nature with the lowliness of Christ, which is the secret of all true worship.
- Andrew Murray
The place of private prayer is the key, the strategic position, where decisive victory is obtained.
- Andrew Murray
God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.'—John 4: 23, 24.
- Andrew Murray
Amid the painful consciousness of ignorance and unworthiness, in the struggle between believing and doubting, the heavenly art of effectual prayer is learnt.
- Andrew Murray
In their spiritual history men may have had times of great humbling and brokenness, but what a different thing this is from being clothed with humility, from having an humble spirit, from having that lowliness of mind in which each counts himself the servant of others, and so shows forth the very mind which was also in Jesus Christ.
- Andrew Murray
The Bible does not authorize us, either by the words of the Lord or His apostles, to believe that the gifts of healing were granted only to the early church;
- Andrew Murray
Christ meant prayer to be the great power by which His church should do its work, and the neglect of prayer is the reason the church lacks greater power.
- Andrew Murray
We see thus that everything depends on our own relation to the Name: the power it has on my life is the power it will have in my prayers.
- Andrew Murray
Faith finds strength, not in the thought of what you will do, but in the changeless faithfulness and love of Christ, who once again helps and assures you that those who wait on Him shall not be ashamed.
- Andrew Murray