Quotes from Andrew Murray
Yes, let us most joyfully say, ignorant and feeble though we be, 'Lord, teach us to pray.
- Andrew Murray
Self turned to God is the glory of allowing the Creator to reveal Himself in us. Self turned away from God is the very darkness and fire of hell.
- Andrew Murray
It is as we daily hear God's call, and put [intercessory prayer] into practice, that the consciousness will begin to live in us, that we too, are intercessors; and that we shall feel the need of living in Christ and being full of the Spirit if we are to do the work of the intercession aright. Nothing will so test and stimulate the Christian life as the honest attempt to be an intercessor.
- Andrew Murray
Nothing will so test and stimulate the Christian life as the honest attempt to be an intercessor.
- Andrew Murray
It will become clear that there is no single scriptural idea, from Genesis to Revelation, more constantly and more prominently kept in view, than that expressed by the Words—"The Blood."
- Andrew Murray
As a child has to prove a sum to be correct, so the proof that we have prayed correctly is the answer. If we ask and don't receive, it is because we have not learned to pray correctly. Let every learner in the school of Christ therefore take the Master's Word in all simplicity: Every one that asks receives.
- Andrew Murray
Let him consider how all lack of love; all disregard for the needs, feelings, and weakness of others; all sharp and hasty judgments and words, so often excused under the plea of being outright and honest; all manifestations of temper, touchiness, and irritation; all feelings of bitterness and estrangement, have their root in nothing but pride, that only seeks itself.
- Andrew Murray
Do not be thinking of how little you have to bring God, but of how much He wants to give you.
- Andrew Murray
It it universally admitted that the Holy Spirit has not, in the teaching of the Church or the faith of believers, that place of honour and power, which becomes Him as the Revealer of the Father and the Son. Seek a deep conviction [p 141 ] that without the Holy Spirit the clearest teaching on holiness, the most fervent desires, the most blessed experiences even, will only be temporary, will produce no permanent result, will bring no abiding rest.
- Andrew Murray
Lord, strengthen my heart that it may become holy and blameless. You are faithful; You will do it.
- Andrew Murray
He requires of us nothing more than what He has prepared for us power to do in His Holy Spirit. The new life is a life in the power of Christ through the Spirit.
- Andrew Murray
humility towards men will be the only sufficient proof that our humility before God is real; that humility has taken up its abode in us; and become our very nature; that we actually, like Christ, have made ourselves of no reputation.
- Andrew Murray