Quotes from Andrew Murray
When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13
- Andrew Murray
The teaching of the Spirit — not without or against the Word but as something above and beyond it and in addition to it, without which we cannot see God's will — is the heritage of every believer. It is through the Word and the Word alone that the Spirit teaches, applying the general principles or promises to our special need.
- Andrew Murray
Our love for God will be found to be an illusion, except where it is proven by the test of daily life with our fellow man.
- Andrew Murray
There is great need for the preaching of love. God sometimes allows bitterness to arise between Christians, that they may view the terrible power of sin in their hearts and shrink back at the sight. How greatly a minister and his people should feel the importance of Christ's command to love one another. A life of great holiness will result, if we only but love each other as Christ loves us.
- Andrew Murray
In this way our Lord teaches us that with infinite fatherliness and faithfulness is how God meets us in secret, so our part should be the childlike simplicity of faith with the confidence that our prayer will bring a blessing.
- Andrew Murray
He considered Himself to be the servant of God for the men whom God made and loved.
- Andrew Murray
the New Testament never uses the expression 'help' of the grace of God in the soul. We have absolutely no power - God is not to help us, because we are weak: no, He is to give His life and His power in us as entirely impotent. He that discerns this aright will learn to live by faith alone.
- Andrew Murray
Nothing that we do ourselves can have any good in it, because it is self working in us. The good in us is the work of God's Spirit, and it is all preparatory to that full death to self to which He seeks to bring us, and in which we are entirely yielded up to God to work all in us.
- Andrew Murray
Oh! take time, to get very low before God.
- Andrew Murray
We must learn from Jesus, how He is meek and lowly of heart. He teaches us where true humility takes its proper place and finds its strength. This happens when we take hold of the knowledge that it is God who works all in all, that our responsibility is to yield to Him in perfect surrender and dependence, in full compliance to be and to do nothing of ourselves.
- Andrew Murray
The blessing of the closet does not depend on the strong or the fervent feeling with which I pray, but upon the love and the power of the Father to whom I entrust my needs.
- Andrew Murray
But, oh! we are far more occupied with our work than we are with prayer. We believe more in speaking to men than we believe in speaking to God.
- Andrew Murray