Quotes from Andrew Murray
To know how to speak to God is more than knowing how to speak to man.
- Andrew Murray
Nothing delights Him more than to find those whom He can take with Him into the Father's presence, whom He can clothe with power to pray down God's blessing on those around them, whom He can train to be His fellow-workers in the intercession by which the kingdom is to be revealed on earth.
- Andrew Murray
Let us look at every person who annoys or agitates us, as God's means of grace, God's instrument for our purification, for the working out of the humility Jesus our Life breathes within us.
- Andrew Murray
Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us . . . and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Heb. 10:19—22
- Andrew Murray
Even as we need to look to the first Adam and his fall to know the power of the sin of pride within us, we need to experience the second Adam and His power to form within us a life of humility as real, abiding, and conquering as that of pride.
- Andrew Murray
Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how to pray.
- Andrew Murray
Never forget as you enter your inner sanctuary that your whole relationship with God depends on what you think of sin and of yourself as a redeemed sinner.
- Andrew Murray
As He makes us partakers of His righteousness and His life, He will of His intercession too.
- Andrew Murray
Him, that I have allowed self, the flesh, and my own will to work where the Holy Spirit should have been honored! May God forgive me that I have allowed self, the flesh, and the will to actually have the place that God wanted the Holy Spirit to have.
- Andrew Murray
Here on earth the influence of one who asks a favor for others depends entirely on his character, and the relationship he bears to him with whom he is interceding.
- Andrew Murray
There can be only one answer. We have not honored the Holy Spirit as we should have done. Is there one who can say that that is not true? Is not every thoughtful heart ready to cry: "God forgive me that I have not honored the Holy Spirit as I should have done, that I have grieved
- Andrew Murray
I used to think that God's gifts were on shelves—one above another—and the taller we grow, the easier we can reach them. Now I find that God's gifts are on shelves—and the lower we stoop, the more we get.
- Andrew Murray