Quotes from Andrew Murray
No question to the church is of more intense and pressing importance than this: What can be done to waken believers to a sense of their holy calling and make them see that to work for God and offer themselves as instruments through whom God can do His work ought to be the one purpose of their life?
- Andrew Murray
Only what is really confessed is really forgiven.
- Andrew Murray
Christians should yield themselves wholly to the glorious God who has redeemed them, to delight in serving Him in whose fellowship heaven has already begun.
- Andrew Murray
Perseverance in prayer, a perseverance that strengthens the faith of the believer against everything that may seem opposed to the answer, is a real miracle; it is one of the impenetrable mysteries of the life of faith.
- Andrew Murray
However, as God is the ever-living, ever-present, ever-acting One who upholds all things by the word of His power, and in whom all things exist, the relationship of the creature to God could only be one of unceasing, absolute, and universal dependence. As God by His power once created, so by that same power God maintains every moment.
- Andrew Murray
If we felt and proved and testified to the world that our only strength lay in keeping every minute in contact with Christ, every minute allowing God to work in us—if that were our spirit, would not, by the grace of God, our lives be holier? Would not they be more abundantly fruitful?
- Andrew Murray
I am weak, stammering, and have much to learn, but I know my God is using me, for I have given myself into His hands, and I am willing to be anything for Him. I do not mind whatever He has for me to do; though my work is feeble and I sometimes feel ashamed of it, I have put myself into God's hands as an instrument for Him to use.
- Andrew Murray
Manifestations of temper and touchiness and irritation, feelings of bitterness and estrangement, have their root in nothing but pride.
- Andrew Murray
And so, especially in any work you do for God, abide in Jesus as your wisdom. We are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God bath before ordained that we should walk in them; let all fear or doubt lest we should not know exactly what these works are, be put far away. In Christ we are created for them: He will show us what they are, and how to do them. Cultivate the habit of rejoicing in the assurance that the divine wisdom is guiding you, even where you do not yet see the way.
- Andrew Murray
The fourth truth of the gospel is that Christ's followers are to be His witnesses, ever testifying of His wonderful love, of His power to redeem, of His continual abiding presence, and of His wonderful power to work in us. Every one of us is called to be living proof and witness of what Jesus can do, not only by His words, but also by His life and actions. Christ's followers must tell people and bring them to the throne of grace.
- Andrew Murray
In every prayer the triune God takes a part—the Father who hears, the Son in whose name we pray, and the Spirit who prays for us and in us. How important it is that we are in right relationship to the Holy Spirit and that we understand His work!
- Andrew Murray
will not be withheld from it. What is done in the will of God must have the mighty blessing of God." And so let our first desire be to have the will of God revealed.
- Andrew Murray