Quotes from Andrew Murray
The Word must dwell and abide in us; the heart and life must be under its influence day by day. Not from without, but from within, comes the quickening of the Word by the Spirit. Only he who yields himself entirely in his whole life to the supremacy of the Word and the will of God can expect in special cases to discern what that Word and will permit him to ask boldly.
- Andrew Murray
We prove the value we attach to things by the time we devote to them. The Kingdom should be first every day, and all the day.
- Andrew Murray
Holiness is more than purity. In Scripture we see that cleansing precedes holiness. (2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 5:26,27; 2 Tim. 2:21) Cleansing is the taking away of that which is wrong; liberation from sin. Holiness is the filling with that which is good, divine, with the disposition of Jesus.
- Andrew Murray
Jesus does love you. He does not wish to be separated from you one minute. We want to believe in the love of Jesus. No mother ever delighted in the baby in her arms as much as Jesus delights in you. He wants to be near you and to have unceasing fellowship with you. Take that in, beloved believer, and say, "If that is possible, God helping me, I must have this filling of the Holy Spirit, so I may always have Jesus dwelling in my heart.
- Andrew Murray
Our love for God is measured by our everyday interaction with men and the love it displays.
- Andrew Murray
When He made man in His image it was, above all, with the purpose that the desires of man would be in harmony with the desires of God. This is the high honor of being made in the likeness of God—that we are to feel and wish just as God.
- Andrew Murray
What a difference between the carnal and the spiritual Christian (I Cor. 3.1-3)! With the carnal Christian there may be much religion and much zeal for God, and for the service of God. But it is for the most part in human power. With the spiritual, on the other hand, there is a complete subjection to the leading of the Spirit, a deep sense of weakness and entire dependence on the work of Christ-it is a life of abiding fellowship with Christ, wrought out by the Spirit.
- Andrew Murray
They do not realize that the most dangerous source of sin is the love of the world with its lusts and pleasures.
- Andrew Murray
The reason is simply this—they have never learned to believe and accept the truth that the Holy Spirit can pour God's love into their heart. That blessed text has often been limited!—"The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts" (Romans 5:5).
- Andrew Murray
Oh, that the Holy Spirit might be held in honor as a power to fill us with the very life and nature of God and of Christ!
- Andrew Murray
It is indeed the deepest happiness of heaven to be so free from self that whatever is said of us or done to us is swallowed up in the thought that Jesus is all and we are nothing.
- Andrew Murray
In not granting an answer, the Father tells us that there is something wrong in our praying. He wants to teach us to discover it and confess it; He wants to educate us about true believing and prevailing prayer. He will only attain His objective when He brings us to see that we are to blame for the withholding of the answer - our aim, or our faith, or our life is not what it should be.
- Andrew Murray