Quotes from Andrew Murray
It is from the sacrifice of the will in Gethsemane that the sacrifice of the life on Calvary derives its value.
- Andrew Murray
Do not be thinking of how little you have to bring God, but of how much He wants to give you. Just place yourself before, and look up into, His face; think of His love, His wonderful, tender, pitying love. Just tell Him how sinful and cold and dark all is: it is the Father's loving heart will give light and warmth to yours. O do what Jesus says: Just shut the door, and pray to thy Father, which is in secret.
- Andrew Murray
God unceasingly gives and works; His child unceasingly waits and receives — this is the blessed life.
- Andrew Murray
Shall we not accept the salvation that Jesus offers? He gave up His own will; He gave up His own honor; He gave up any confidence in Himself; He lived dependent upon God as a servant whom the Father had sent. There is the salvation we need, the Spirit of humility that was in Christ.
- Andrew Murray
In claiming the Holy Spirit, we should make this the first object of our expectation. The Holy Spirit comes as a Spirit of love.
- Andrew Murray
By his conscience man realises his relationship to God, and n evil conscience tells him that all is not right between God and himself ; not merely that he commits sin, but that he is sinful, and alienated from God. A good or clear conscience bears witness that he is well pleasing to God. It bears witness not only that his sins are forgiven, but that his heart is sincere before God.
- Andrew Murray
There is a twofold use of prayer: the one is to obtain strength and blessing for our own life; the other is intercession - the higher, true glory of prayer for which Christ has taken us into His fellowship and teaching. This is where prayer is the royal power of a child of God who exercises in heaven on behalf of others and even of the kingdom.
- Andrew Murray
Prayer is the one hand with which we grasp the invisible; fasting, the other, with which we let loose and cast away the visible.
- Andrew Murray
It is that which made the angels, Jesus himself, and the holiest saints humble. It is the first and chief mark of the relationship of the creature to God, of the Son to the Father—it is the secret of blessedness, the desire to be nothing, that allows God to be all in all.
- Andrew Murray
If once believers were to awake to the glory of the work of intercession, and to see that in it, and the definite pleading for definite gifts on definite spheres and persons, lie our highest fellowship with our glorified Lord, and our only real power to bless men, it would be seen that there can be no truer fellowship with God than these definite petitions and their answers, by which we become the channel of His grace and life to men.
- Andrew Murray
That a child obtains what he asks from his father looks so perfectly natural, we almost count it the father's duty to give. But with a friend, it is as if the kindness is more free, dependent not on nature but on sympathy and character....But then we must be living as His friends. I am still a child even when a wanderer, but friendship depends upon the conduct.
- Andrew Murray
A new life from above, the life of Christ, must take the place of the self-life; then alone can we be conquerors.
- Andrew Murray