Quotes from Michael Ignatieff
She painted because she loved to paint. She never exhibited. She had no career, no ambitions for her work except that it be good, and she didn't care what we thought of it.
- Michael Ignatieff
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- Michael Ignatieff
To belong is to understand the tacit codes of the people you live with; it is to know that you will be understood without having to explain yourself.
- Michael Ignatieff
Believers in liberal freedom should worry not whether their regime can prevail in competition with authoritarian ones, but whether they can prevail against their own forms of institutional entropy: elite capture, corruption, and inequality.
- Michael Ignatieff
I was with the U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on the day that Srebrenica fell, which happened to be a huge historical turning point in the Bosnian war.
- Michael Ignatieff
The ultimate good in a liberal state is liberty.
- Michael Ignatieff
What's distinctively shocking about Machiavelli is that he didn't care. He believed not only that politicians must do evil in the name of the public good, but also that they shouldn't worry about it. He was unconcerned, in other words, with what modern thinkers call 'the problem of dirty hands.'
- Michael Ignatieff
Desert Storm was seen by the military establishment and by some politicians as avenging Vietnam, but it left behind dangerous illusions. The victory was so decisive, and information about it so carefully managed, that the American public was never clearly informed that it was purchased at the price of approximately 100,000 Iraqi lives.
- Michael Ignatieff
I distinguish, between nationalism and patriotism.
- Michael Ignatieff