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Quotes from James Faust

Being bridled, or yielding obediently to restraint, is necessary for our personal growth and progression.
- James Faust
We were called, male and female, to do great works with separate approaches and separate assignments.
- James Faust
When we tell little white lies, we become progressively color-blind. It is better to remain silent than to mislead.
- James Faust
Obedience brings peace in decision making. If we have firmly made up our minds to follow the commandments, we will not have to redecide which path to take when temptation comes our way.
- James Faust
Success is usually earned by persevering and not becoming discouraged when we encounter challenges.
- James Faust
When someone died in the wilderness of frontier America, that person's physical remains were buried and the handcarts continued west, but the mourning survivors had hope for their loved one's eternal soul. However, when someone dies spiritually in the wilderness of sin, hope may be replaced by dread and fear for the loved one's eternal welfare.
- James Faust
A leader must be a good listener. He must be willing to take counsel. He must show a genuine concern and love for those under his stewardship.
- James Faust
Leaders receive and give assignments. This is an important part of the necessary principle of delegating. No one appreciates a willing volunteer more than I, but the total work cannot be done as the Lord wants it done merely by those doing the work who may be present at meetings.
- James Faust
As with all commandments, gratitude is a description of a successful mode of living. The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually surround us.
- James Faust
Look at everything through the lens of eternity. If you will do this, life will take on a different perspective.
- James Faust
All parents hope and pray that their children will make wise decisions. Children who are obedient and responsible bring to their parents unending pride and satisfaction.
- James Faust
I am profoundly grateful that all of my life I have had a simple faith that Jesus is the Christ. That witness has been confirmed to me hundreds of times. It is the crowning knowledge of my soul. It is the spiritual light of my being. It is the cornerstone of my life.
- James Faust