Quotes from James Faust
I solemnly declare that this spiritual kingdom of faith will move forward with or without each of us individually. No unhallowed hand can stay the growth of the Church nor prevent fulfillment of its mission. Any of us can be left behind, drawn away by the seductive voices of secularism and materialism.
- James Faust
We hear many persuasive voices demanding freedom from restrictions, particularly from moral restraints. However, we learn from the history of the earth that any successful society has had boundaries.
- James Faust
We make no greater voluntary choice in this life than the selection of a marriage partner. This decision can bring eternal happiness and joy. To find sublime fulfillment in marriage, both partners need to be fully committed to the marriage.
- James Faust
The overwhelming message of the Atonement is the perfect love the Savior has for each and all of us. It is a love which is full of mercy, patience, grace, equity, long-suffering, and, above all, forgiving.
- James Faust
Most of us need time to work through pain and loss. We can find all manner of reasons for postponing forgiveness. One of these reasons is waiting for the wrongdoers to repent before we forgive them. Yet such a delay causes us to forfeit the peace and happiness that could be ours.
- James Faust
Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.
- James Faust
Everybody in this life has their challenges and difficulties. That is part of our mortal test... Peace comes through hope.
- James Faust
In my long life I have found peace, joy, and happiness beyond my fondest hopes and dreams. One of the supreme benedictions of my life has been my marriage to an elect daughter of God. I love her with all my heart and soul.
- James Faust
While few human challenges are greater than that of being good parents, few opportunities offer greater potential for joy. Surely, no more important work is to be done in this world than preparing our children to be God-fearing, happy, honorable, and productive.
- James Faust
There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood.
- James Faust
Faith is the power, obedience is the price, love is the motive, the Spirit is the key and Christ is the reason.
- James Faust
Every father and mother are the family's store keepers. They should store whatever their family would like to have in case of an emergency...(and) God will sustain us through our trials.
- James Faust