Quotes from Isabel Allende
Recently, a busload of us tourists crossing the border between Chile and Argentina had to wait an hour and a half while our documents were checked. Getting through the Berlin Wall was easier. Kafka was Chilean.
- Isabel Allende
I am no longer tormented by an excess of discipline, as I was before.
- Isabel Allende
We spent a good part of the twentieth century trying out various forms of revolution, from Marxism to savage capitalism, ranging through each and every intermediate shading. Our hope that a change in government can improve our luck is like hoping to win the lottery: totally without rational foundation.
- Isabel Allende
The road of gluttony leads straight to lust and, if traveled a little farther, to the loss of one's soul.
- Isabel Allende
I never forget that a book is not an end in itself. Just like a newspaper or a magazine, a book is a means of communication, which is why I try to grab the reader by the throat and not let go to the end. I don't always succeed, of course; readers tend to be elusive. Who is my reader?
- Isabel Allende
He had the intellectual capacity of a louse, but shone in cooking up new ways to be cruel.
- Isabel Allende
I do not fear my vulnerability because I no longer confuse it with weakness.
- Isabel Allende
Irina could not imagine the courage it took to grow old without becoming too frightened; her knowledge of age
- Isabel Allende
I like fabrics, colors, makeup, and the routine of putting myself together every morning, even though I spend most of my time locked away in the attic writing. "No one sees me, but I see myself," my mother would comment philosophically
- Isabel Allende
I want to transform rage into creative energy and guilt into a mocking acceptance of my faults; I want to sweep away arrogance and vanity.
- Isabel Allende
This is to assuage our conscience, darling," she would explain to Blanca. "But it doesn't help the poor.
- Isabel Allende
Lucia argued something similar. She gave as an example the Chihuahua, Marcelo, who lived eternally grateful in the present, accepting whatever might happen without worrying about any future misfortune that might add to all those he had previously encountered in his life as an abandoned dog. "Too
- Isabel Allende