Quotes from Bill Hybels
Vision is the God-given ability to see possible solutions to the everyday problems of life.
- Bill Hybels
We will probably have to pay a price for devoting our lives to building the kingdom of God. Jesus did.
- Bill Hybels
Debt comes from wanting more than God's current provision for your life and arranging other ways to get it.
- Bill Hybels
When we fritter away our one and only life doing things that don't really matter, we sacrifice the things that do matter.
- Bill Hybels
The Holy Spirit lives inside you and repeatedly whispers, "Have confidence—you're part of God's family now.
- Bill Hybels
Every church, every team, every organization demands and deserves a "vision embodier," someone whose life values and commitments personify the vision. Cut them and they bleed the vision.
- Bill Hybels
Not only do you not do your best work in the "dangerously over-challenged" range, but if you stay in this range for very long, something in your life will break. I don't care how resilient you are, how much energy you naturally possess, or how much mental toughness you think you have; something will break. You will not be exempt from this law. Your health, marriage, connection with your kids, relationship with God, emotional well-being—something is going to crack.
- Bill Hybels
Nothing neutralizes the redemptive potential of a church faster than trying to be all things to all people. It is impossible for any one church to do it all.
- Bill Hybels
Inauthenticity among the ranks of those claiming to be Christians can become an almost insurmountable barrier to belief.
- Bill Hybels
At a certain point people need more than vision.
- Bill Hybels
God's preferred state for humankind is that we live free from fear, experiencing shalom, or peace. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture is packed with references that emphasize God's desire for a fear-free, peace-filled world.
- Bill Hybels
If a goal is really important to me, I discipline myself in order to achieve it.
- Bill Hybels