Quotes from Bill Hybels
It takes a great deal of courage to follow another person's lead.
- Bill Hybels
If you lower the ambient noise of your life and listen expectantly for those whispers of God, your ears will hear them. And when you follow their lead, your world will be rocked.
- Bill Hybels
You're a leader. It's your job to keep your passion hot. Do whatever you have to do, read whatever you have to read, go wherever you have to go to stay fired up. And don't apologize to anybody.
- Bill Hybels
I would never want to reach out someday with a soft, uncallused hand-a hand never dirtied by serving-and shake the nail-pierced hand of Jesus.
- Bill Hybels
It's the great temptation for small groups of people to slide into a state where they're not quite telling each other the truth and they're not quite celebrating each other. Instead, they tolerate each other, they accommodate each other, and they settle for sitting on the unspoken matters that separate them.
- Bill Hybels
It's not the things I don't understand about the Bible that bother me; it's the things I understand with perfect clarity and don't comply with that keep me up at night.
- Bill Hybels
If you're a serious minded leader, you will read. You will read all you can. You will read when you feel like it, and you will read when you don't. You will do whatever you have to do to increase your leadership input, because you know as well as I do that it will make you better.
- Bill Hybels
The more varied the environments in which you exercise your leadership gift, the stronger that gift will become. You will become a far more effective leader.
- Bill Hybels
There isn't a single motivation, thought, act, or word that has slipped out of your being and escaped the full, undivided attention of God.
- Bill Hybels
Religion is spelled 'D-O', because it consists of the things people do try to somehow gain God's forgiveness and favor. But the problem is that you never know when you've done enough. But thankfully, Christianity is spelled differently. It's spelled 'D-O-N-E', which means that what we could never for ourselves, Christ has already done for us. To become a real Christian is to humbly receive God's gift of forgiveness and to commit to following His leadership.
- Bill Hybels
Simplified living is about more than doing less. It's being who God called us to be, with a wholehearted, single-minded focus. It's walking away from innumerable lesser opportunities in favor of the few to which we've been called and for which we've been created.
- Bill Hybels
The question isn't, "What do I want to get done in the next thirty days?" but, "Who do I want to become in this next season of my life?
- Bill Hybels