Quotes from Bill Hybels
Whatever the capacity for human suffering, the church has a greater capacity for healing and wholeness.
- Bill Hybels
God in His grace will allow us a certain number of friendships that stick for the long haul of life. These friendships are a treasured blessing.
- Bill Hybels
truth telling is more important than peace keeping.
- Bill Hybels
Does your problem seem bigger than life, bigger than God himself? It isn't. God is infinitely bigger than any problem you ever had or will have, and every time you call a problem unsolvable, you mock God.
- Bill Hybels
the well-being of the other person is more important than the current comfort level in the relationship.
- Bill Hybels
God doesn't want us to pile up impressive phrases. He doesn't want us to use words without thinking about their meaning. He wants us to talk to him as to a friend or father—authentically, reverently, personally, earnestly. I heard a man do this once when I least expected it.
- Bill Hybels
Deep friendships are forged in the fire of pain.
- Bill Hybels
Pride is corrosive, and it rubs off. You're going to have a tough time developing Christlike humility and thinking of yourself with sober judgment if your close friends are arrogant, full of pride, and looking down their noses at everyone else.
- Bill Hybels
To love as Jesus loves we have to put truth telling ahead of peace keeping. We also have to put the other person's well-being ahead of the comfort level of our relationship.
- Bill Hybels
Every life will be better if God is at the center of it.
- Bill Hybels
While it's a prerequisite to live a salty Christian life — to be highly potent and in relationship with others — that alone is not enough. God forbid that we stop there, because people end up in hell on that plan. It's imperative that we also put the message into clear language our friends can understand and act upon.
- Bill Hybels
It is impossible for any one church to do it all.
- Bill Hybels