Quotes from Pope Benedict XVI
A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Believers are increasingly aware that, unless the Good News is made known also in the digital world, it may be absent in the experience of many people for whom this existential space is important.
- Pope Benedict XVI
God came into the world to reawaken the thirst for great things in us.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Anyone who has discovered Christ must lead others to him. A great joy cannot be kept to oneself. It has to be passed on.
- Pope Benedict XVI
All the great works of art, the cathedrals - the Gothic cathedrals and the splendid Baroque churches - are a luminous sign of God, and thus are truly a manifestation, an epiphany of God.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The happiness you have a right to enjoy has a name and a face: it is Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist.
- Pope Benedict XVI
It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The environment is God's gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations, and towards humanity as a whole.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Poverty is a plague against which humanity must fight without cease.
- Pope Benedict XVI
May all our contemporaries stand beside their brothers and sisters in humanity. Each one of you is called by Christ and must be a missionary of the Good News in word and in active charity.
- Pope Benedict XVI
An important function of theology is to keep religion tied to reason and reason to religion. Both roles are of essential importance for humanity.
- Pope Benedict XVI
God seeks us where we are, not so that we stay there, but so that we may come to be where He is, so that we may get beyond ourselves.
- Pope Benedict XVI