Quotes from Pope Benedict XVI
A thirst for the infinite is indelibly present in human beings. Man was created to have a relationship with God; we need him.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. There may be legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not... with regard to abortion and euthanasia.
- Pope Benedict XVI
We pray that the Lord may help us to produce His light in ourselves, even in dark days, so that we might be light for others, illuminating the world and life in this world.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The abuse of faith has to be resisted precisely.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The Church must introduce the individual Christian into an encounter with Jesus Christ and bring Christians into His presence in the sacrament.
- Pope Benedict XVI
We can see that the sacramental presence of the Lord in the Eucharist is an essential gift for us and give us also the possibility to love the others and to work for the others.
- Pope Benedict XVI
When the danger is great, one must not run away.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The Church must actualize, be present in the public debate, in our struggle for a true concept of liberty and peace.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Both need each other: The agnostic cannot be content to not know, but must be in search of the great truth of faith; the Catholic cannot be content to have faith, but must be in search of God all the time, and in the dialogue with others, a Catholic can learn more about God in a deeper fashion.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The traditional teaching of the church has proven to be the only failsafe way to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Joy is the true gift of Christmas, and we can communicate this joy simply: with a smile, a kind gesture, a little help, forgiveness. And the joy we give will certainly come back to us.
- Pope Benedict XVI