Quotes from Richard Blackaby
God does not need to provide any resources for what you are not doing.
- Richard Blackaby
It is difficult to talk with God each day and continue to sin.
- Richard Blackaby
Spiritual leaders must help their people see beyond God's acts to recognize the way God consistently works with his people, time and time again. To do this, spiritual leaders must develop their own understanding and recognition of God's activity in their midst.
- Richard Blackaby
6Now godliness with econtentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into this world, 4and it is fcertain we can carry nothing out. 8And having food and clothing, with these we shall be gcontent.
- Richard Blackaby
Doubt and fear of the future are behind the reluctance of many to wholeheartedly accept and follow God's invitation to join Him.
- Richard Blackaby
What's been happening in your life lately? What's the greatest challenge in your life right now? What's the most significant thing happening in your life right now? You sound like you're carrying a heavy load. Is there any way I can help? How can I pray for you?
- Richard Blackaby
3But You, O LORD, dknow me; You have seen me, And You have etested my heart toward You.
- Richard Blackaby
There will be times when you do not comprehend why He allows certain things to occur, and that is to be expected.
- Richard Blackaby
not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his fmight, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 24But glet him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, 10judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
- Richard Blackaby
A sure indication of a successful leader is the collective and consistent testimony of subordinates who are grateful for what they learned and how they grew while they worked under that leader.
- Richard Blackaby
For with God, there's always another role to undertake, a fresh assignment, and another task that will call upon everything we've experienced and learned thus far. God is never finished with us. He may, however, be finished with our current role. If so, we must be prepared to take on the next assignment that inevitably comes.
- Richard Blackaby
Whenever it seems that God is not doing anything fresh in your life, focus on the love relationship and stay there until God gives you a new assignment.
- Richard Blackaby