Quotes from Richard Blackaby
word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart;
- Richard Blackaby
God's Peace (Jer. 16:5) God's peace is unmistakable. Regardless of the circumstances, there is an abiding confidence that all is well. When God chooses to remove His peace, anxiety and fear prevail and nothing can calm the spirit.
- Richard Blackaby
is the man who trusts in man And makes hflesh his 2strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD. 6For he shall be ilike a shrub in the desert, And jshall not see when good comes, But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, kIn a salt land which is not inhabited.
- Richard Blackaby
If people in your community are not responding to the gospel as they did in New Testament times, one possible reason is that they do not see God in what you are doing as a church.
- Richard Blackaby
Anyone who enters into an intimate relationship with God can see God do exceptional things through his or her life.
- Richard Blackaby
There is no way to satisfy the desires of all the people who clamor for their time, so leaders must subjugate their schedule to God's will and invest themselves in those activities and projects most critical. Unlike
- Richard Blackaby
Sometimes we see problems in our church. Such occasions are not opportunities to criticize or to leave, but to let Christ use our lives to be a part of His solution. If you are presently in a church that is suffering difficulties, could it be that Christ added you to your congregation for such a time as this?
- Richard Blackaby
Americans believe that the bottom line isn't everything, it's the only thing, and America is strangling on that lack of vision."13 Bennis also noted, "It isn't either a bull or a bear market anymore, it's a pig market."14
- Richard Blackaby
If you don't recognize that God created you for eternity, you'll invest your life in the wrong things.
- Richard Blackaby
He also came to realize that he had been so busy attempting to do things for God he had not spent time enjoying fellowship with God.
- Richard Blackaby
God has made us His children. None of us deserves this, so there is no need to compare our blessings with those of other children of God. Jealousy is self-centeredness at its worst. It robs us of joy and chokes out contentment. It hardens the heart and stifles gratitude.
- Richard Blackaby
To move from your way of thinking or acting to God's way of thinking or acting will require fundamental adjustments.
- Richard Blackaby