Quotes from Richard Blackaby
You may not realize it, but your life has the potential to bless everyone you encounter.
- Richard Blackaby
When God has access to our heart, mind, and soul through years of fellowship and worship, He allows us to see more of His activity and to be more involved in His miraculous work.
- Richard Blackaby
When spiritual leaders have done their jobs, the people around them have encountered God and obeyed his will.
- Richard Blackaby
But a deep walk with God does not come effortlessly. If it did, many more people would have one. First, you must decide you're unwilling to remain where you are. Second, you must be prepared to pay a price. Will you rise earlier so you can spend unhurried tome with Him? Will you forgo comforts and pleasures so you can focus on your walk with Him?
- Richard Blackaby
Does Christianity merely mean we must forfeit our Sunday mornings to church attendance, or does being a Christian noticeably improve our lives?
- Richard Blackaby
When spiritual leaders have done their jobs, the people around them have encountered God and obeyed his will.
- Richard Blackaby
If they were honest, many parents would confess that their primary reasons for not allowing their child to quit something is because of financial reasons, or personal reluctance to get involved, or both.
- Richard Blackaby
Alert expectancy. What an exciting way to look at things! Our faith in Christ gives us the opportunity to live in a state of alert expectancy; patiently waiting for what God will do next. People who choose this path will one day look back in amazement at what God did.
- Richard Blackaby
It is amazing to watch God do through us what we could never accomplish on our own. It is comforting to know we have a God who is, always faithful, desires more for us than we could imagine, and perfectly capable of doing the impossible.
- Richard Blackaby
If you are presently facing significant challenges in your life, trust in the Lord! Be an aggressive responder who lives with alert expectancy!
- Richard Blackaby
8"Forp My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. 9"Forq as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
- Richard Blackaby
It is one thing to believe in God's power, it is quite another to live your life in obedient response to an all-powerful God.
- Richard Blackaby