Quotes from Benjamin Disraeli
Characters do not change. Opinions alter, but characters are only developed.
- Benjamin Disraeli
We live in age of prudence. The leaders of the people now generally follow.
- Benjamin Disraeli
One secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
- Benjamin Disraeli
In the hands of a genius, engineering turns to magic, philosophy becomes poetry, and science pure imagination.
- Benjamin Disraeli
The European talks of progress because by the aid of a few scientific discoveries he has established a society which has mistaken comfort for civilisation.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Never argue. In society nothing must be; give only results. If any person differs from you, bow, and turn the conversation.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Christianity teaches us to love our neighbor as ourself; modern society acknowledges no neighbor.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Whenever you see a man who is successful in society, try to discover what makes him pleasing, and if possible adopt his system.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Silence often expresses 'more powerfully than speech the verdict and judgment of society.
- Benjamin Disraeli
The eyes of the social herd, who always observe little things, and generally form from them their opinions of great affairs.
- Benjamin Disraeli
The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.
- Benjamin Disraeli
You will find as you grow older that courage is the rarest of all qualities to be found in public life.
- Benjamin Disraeli