Quotes from Benjamin Disraeli
Nothing can resist a will which will stake even existence upon its fulfillment.
- Benjamin Disraeli
A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity.
- Benjamin Disraeli
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Without tact you can learn nothing.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Worry is a god, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse; it takes away the appetite, and turns the hair gray.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Desperation is sometimes as powerful an inspirer as genius.
- Benjamin Disraeli
The fool wonders, the wise man asks.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Age is frequently beautiful, wisdom appearing like an aftermath.
- Benjamin Disraeli
It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being.
- Benjamin Disraeli
When I left the dining room after sitting next to Mr. Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England. But after sitting next to Mr. Disraeli, I thought I was the cleverest woman in England.
- Benjamin Disraeli
A good eater must be a good man; for a good eater must have a good digestion, and a good digestion depends upon a good conscience.
- Benjamin Disraeli
How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct.
- Benjamin Disraeli