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Quotes from Bill Clinton

Follow the trend lines, not the headlines.
- Bill Clinton
Some day we hope to liberate every man on earth from the tendency as old as human history to identify our strength and manhood with the ability to control the lives, limit the chances, and doom the dreams of women and girls.
- Bill Clinton
He [Walter Cronkite] was also a profoundly good man. I don't think we should lose sight of that. All those professional gifts emanated from a very good core and that's something that's beyond training. It's who he was.
- Bill Clinton
And now she's a parasite, living off her host. If he makes a mistake, she made the mistake.
- Bill Clinton
The American dream works when our common humanity matters more than our interesting differences and when together they create endless possibilities.
- Bill Clinton
I stroke the hair of my brilliant, strong, independent girl. She is a woman now, with her mother's beauty and brains and spirit, but she will always be the little girl who lit up when she saw me, who squealed when I'd bombard her with kisses, who couldn't fall back asleep after a nightmare unless Daddy held her hand.
- Bill Clinton
The soldiers closest to the door on each side flip their flashbangs into the apartment and quickly turn away from the threshold. A second later, the stun grenades detonate, producing a concussive blast of 180 decibels and a searing, blinding light. For five seconds, the occupants will be blind, deaf, and unbalanced.
- Bill Clinton
He likes to wear bow ties so we'll all know how intelligent he is. Personally, I've seen Post-it notes with more depth.
- Bill Clinton
That boy's so dumb he couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were on the bottom.
- Bill Clinton
I look at Danny and Carolyn, the only other people in the room. It's time for me to go, alone and off the record. For years I've been constantly going, but never alone and never off the record. The Secret Service takes every step with me, and at least one aide is almost always there, even when I'm on vacation. A record is kept of where I am every hour.
- Bill Clinton
Everyone eligible to vote should be able to do so without unnecessary inconvenience
- Bill Clinton
I put the car in Park and kill the ignition. When I do so, I feel the tidal-wave rush, as I knew I would—the shakes, the post-adrenaline, post-traumatic physical reaction.
- Bill Clinton