Quotes from Barbara Brown Taylor
God shows up in whirlwinds, starry skies, burning bushes, and perfect strangers.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Part of my ongoing priesthood is to find the bridges between my faith and the faiths of other people, so that those of us who draw water from wells on different sides of the river can still get together from time to time, making the whole area safer for our children.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
As natural as it may be to want to play on the winning team, the wish to secure divine favoritism strikes me as the worst possible reason to practice any religion. If the man who asked that question could not think of a dozen better reasons to be a Christian than that, then what, indeed, was he doing there?
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Our lives are inextricably bound up with the lives of other people. So much depends on things we can never control.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Sabbath was not a burden for him, any more than it was a private day off that he could take or leave. Sabbath was who he was . It was his stake in the ongoing life of his community, the one set day each week when he entered into communion with God and his neighbor.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
If Jesus meant for his followers to rule the world, then why did he teach them to wash feet? As difficult as it is to accept, I believe that his death on the cross reveals the God who suffers for love instead of punishing the unloving, the God who lays down his life for his friends.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Religious illiteracy is a luxury they can no longer afford. This is a new idea for them—that illiteracy might be a problem in religion as well as English—or that a religion class might have life applications beyond going to church.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
The wind smelled like the moon. I went up there so many times in the weeks that followed that I no longer remember which night it was that God finally answered my prayer. I do not think it was right at the beginning, when I was still saying my prayers in words. I think it came later, when I had graduated to inchoate sounds. Up on that fire escape, I learned to pray the way a wolf howls. I learned to pray the way that Ella Fitzgerald sang scat.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
I and everything I love have come forth from the furnace of the stars by a process so full of unfathomable, life-giving grace that my earlier worrying strikes me as cheap.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
How do we develop the courage to walk in the dark if we are never asked to practice?
- Barbara Brown Taylor
To lie flat on the ground with the breath knocked out of you is to find a solid resting place. This is as low as you can go. You told yourself you would die if it ever came to this, but here you are. You cannot help yourself and yet you live.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
To be a priest is to know that things are not as they should be and yet to care for them the way they are.
- Barbara Brown Taylor