Quotes from Barbara Brown Taylor
Here is a law as reliable as gravity: the degree to which we believe our faith is what makes us human is the same degree to which we will question the humanity of those who do not share our faith.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
I understood their reasoning, but I was sorry that church did not strike these wounded souls as a place they could bring the dark fruits of their equally dark nights.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
I did not live on the earth but in it, in communion with all that gave me life.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
More to the point, there are times when dancing on tables is the most authentic prayer in reach, even if it pocks the table and clears the room.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
If someone walks by or speaks to you, you may find that your power of attentiveness extends to this person as well. Even if you do not know him, you may be able to see his soul too, the one he thinks he has so carefully covered up. There is something he is working on in his life, the same way you are working on something. Can you see it in his face? You are related, even if you do not know each other's names.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
As enjoyable as it could be to spend a couple of hours on Sunday morning with people who were at their best, it was also possible to see the strain in some of the smiles, the effort it took to present the most positive, most faithful version of the self.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Reverence requires a certain pace. It requires a willingness to take detours, even side trips, which are not part of the original plan.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Handing out free food and clothes was a charitable act. Approaching the powers was a political act.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
All these years later, I recognize this as the way that winners often speak of those they have harmed beyond repair. Trying to find some way to live with what we have done, we find solace in the idea that their doom was their own doing.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Then one night when my whole heart was open to hearing from God what I was supposed to do with my life, God said, "Anything that pleases you." "What?" I said, resorting to words again. "What kind of an answer is that?" "Do anything that pleases you," the voice in my head said again, "and belong to me.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
When the compressor for the air conditioning in the house turns on, I feel apologetic. I had no idea how loud it was out here, clearly interrupting a whole valley full of creatures that are trying to say something to one another.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
On day three, I decided that a power outage would make a great spiritual practice.
- Barbara Brown Taylor