Quotes from Viktor E. Frankl
I called to the Lord from my narrow prison and He answered me in the freedom of space.
- Viktor E. Frankl
A positive attitude enables a person to endure suffering and disappointment as well as enhance enjoyment and satisfaction. A negative attitude intensifies pain and deepens disappointments; it undermines and diminishes pleasure, happiness, and satisfaction; it may even lead to depression or physical illness.
- Viktor E. Frankl
Live as if you were living for the second time and had acted as wrongly the first time as you are about to act now.
- Viktor E. Frankl
No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him.
- Viktor E. Frankl
We have come to know Man as he really is. After all, man is that being who invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, he is also that being who entered those gas chambers upright.
- Viktor E. Frankl
Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he loves him.
- Viktor E. Frankl
They died less from lack of food or medicine than from lack of hope, lack of something to live for.
- Viktor E. Frankl
You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.
- Viktor E. Frankl
People tend to see only the stubble fields of transitoriness but overlook and forget the full granaries of the past into which they have brought the harvest of their lives: the deeds done, the loves loved, and last but not least, the sufferings they have gone through with courage and dignity.
- Viktor E. Frankl
Only slowly could these men be guided back to the commonplace truth that no one has the right to do wrong, not even if wrong has been done to them.
- Viktor E. Frankl
There is nothing in this world, I venture to say, that would so effectively help one to survive even the worst conditions as the knowledge that there is meaning in one's life.
- Viktor E. Frankl
fear brings about that which one is afraid of, and hyper-intention makes impossible what one wishes
- Viktor E. Frankl