Quotes from Ezra Taft Benson
A young man who knows and loves the Book of Mormon, who has read it several times, who has an abiding testimony of its truthfulness, and who applies its teachings will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and will be a mighty tool in the hands of the Lord.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Becoming Christlike is a lifetime pursuit and very often involves growth and change that is slow, almost imperceptible.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Praise your children more than you correct them. Praise them for even their smallest achievement.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Our desires, be they spiritual or temporal, should be rooted in a love of the Lord.
- Ezra Taft Benson
A mother's role is God-ordained. Mothers are to conceive, bear, nourish, love, and train. They are to be helpmates and are to counsel with their husbands.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Fear of men's judgment manifests itself in competition for men's approval.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Young people especially sometimes feel that the standards of the Lord are like fences and chains, blocking them from those activities that seem most enjoyable in life.
- Ezra Taft Benson
A young woman who knows and loves the Book of Mormon, who has read it several times, who has an abiding testimony of its truthfulness, and who applies its teachings will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and will be a mighty tool in the hands of the Lord.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Young women, the family unit is forever, and you should do everything in your power to strengthen that unit.
- Ezra Taft Benson
The scriptures record remarkable accounts of men whose lives changed dramatically, in an instant, as it were: Alma the Younger, Paul on the road to Damascus, Enos praying far into the night, King Lamoni.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Fathers, yours is an eternal calling from which you are never released.
- Ezra Taft Benson