Quotes from Ted Dekker
Love? You have no understanding that to love is to give, not to take.
- Ted Dekker
Not evil. Not any more evil than the colored trees are good.Evil and good reside in the heart, not in trees and water.
- Ted Dekker
The sun began to set behind Bethlehem and the beams were breaking through some white and gray clouds. There was a slight and beautiful chill from the autumn air. I gave thanks for that beautiful day and for the fact that the sun does not know Palestinian from Israeli, Christian from Muslim or Jew, and Asian from American or African, and I asked myself: If the sun shines on all of us as one, how much more does the sun's Creator see and love us all as one?
- Ted Dekker
What was once obvious to them was no longer quite as obvious. Why was it that humans lost sight of truth so quickly?
- Ted Dekker
He knew me. He knew me through and through and he found no shame in me.
- Ted Dekker
The people of this world make a god for themselves in their own image, and in doing so they make God far, far, far, too small.
- Ted Dekker
The day is brimming with freedom. He took another draw of the air. There's nothing like the clean smell of freedom, wouldn't you say Eden?
- Ted Dekker
That was the advantage of a young mind--believing was easier.
- Ted Dekker
I believe in God because only an idiot can look at the complex balance of nature and believe that has not been designed. Believe it or not, but some people still believe that a watch can make itself out of sand if you just give it enough time. That's what they call evolution. And you wonder why I am cynical. From my point of view you have to be a fool not to be cynical.
- Ted Dekker
And to understand how love unfolds, you must understand how Elyon loves.
- Ted Dekker
a person who finds silence and solitude boring is a person who is himself boring, empty of anything worth consideration.
- Ted Dekker
Always remember you have been given the power to forgive any offense, and in so doing, remove it from your awareness as far as the east is from the west. True Vision is his gift, allowing you to see no blame; forgiveness is your truest purpose in the life. Seventy times seven, always leaving the old self in a watery grave and rising to find no fault. That's grace, that's true baptism and that's good news...
- Ted Dekker