Quotes from Ted Dekker
Love, dear one. The love that knows no wrong like the light knows no darkness.
- Ted Dekker
I glanced around, hoping Bobbie would appear to give me some guidance. "She's not here now," Eli said. "I sent her away because I want you to listen to me before we go back to town." He had that power over her? I felt exposed there, but maybe he did have some power over the Fury.
- Ted Dekker
touching God might be like touching a thick shaft of lightning, but one filled with pleasure. It might very well kill you, she said, but at least you'd die with a smile on your face.
- Ted Dekker
We're good Christians, so how can the Fury blind us?" "Actually, you serve fear. You think it will save you, but fear can't save you. Only love can, and God is love. You can choose the light, which shows itself as love, or you can choose darkness, which shows itself as fear. Not both.
- Ted Dekker
You have to let go of what you think you know. There's a narrow Way where all things are possible. The price to walk it is death, which is why it's such a rare find, a treasure buried in a field. Most will never seek it because they're terrified of what they will find.
- Ted Dekker
Whoever said that a straighten hand was more dramatic than a healed heart?
- Ted Dekker
And to understand how love unfolds, you must understand how Elyon loves.
- Ted Dekker
If you could find a way to peel back the skin of this world so to speak, would you really see this supernatural reality that is greater? Is it true that we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers? Every young person wants to know.
- Ted Dekker
If readers, young and old, would take even a moment to reflect on our rapidly shifting culture and ideology, I would be happy. Many leaders of the older generation dismiss emerging culture. Those leaders are at risk of becoming a feeble voice-piece without followers. Most of the younger generation is going deaf to the truth.
- Ted Dekker
Perfect, that's our plan then. But you'll have to give up being a priest first. I wouldn't want to just sit around whispering and sipping hot chocolate.
- Ted Dekker
Wage war on death. Live for love.
- Ted Dekker
Turn to the light. Don't fear the shadow it creates.
- Ted Dekker