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Quotes from Ted Dekker

The biggest lie is that fear will keep you safe in the darkness, but fear is the darkness. So round and round you go, fighting darkness with darkness. Better to open your eyes and see the light. In that light, there is no darkness. So you've always been safe. You just don't know it because you're blind to who you are as the light.
- Ted Dekker
Think of yourself as a vessel. A cup. Don't try to guess what the Master will pour into you before he pours. Only pray it is the Master who pours. Then be willing to accept whatever message he wishes to fill you with. It's his to fill, Sherry. You only receive.
- Ted Dekker
most of the world believes that most of what actually happens, happens without our being able to see it. That's a religious mainstay.
- Ted Dekker
Yeshua's way was to protect nothing and let go of all grievance, as
- Ted Dekker
The honor of wearing the hardened leather breastplates, wielding the Guard swords, riding the best horses, being watched by everyone else as you walked down the path on your way to battle--who wouldn't trade his life for a chance to be called one of the Forest Guard?
- Ted Dekker
Because the real wolf comes to kill. To steal. To destroy.
- Ted Dekker
This was what Alvin Finch had learned: you can break their bones, but it is far better to break their heart. Suffice it to say that he had broken the father's heart.
- Ted Dekker
Love is giving, not taking.
- Ted Dekker
Always remember . . . You have been given the power to forgive any offense, and in so doing, remove it from your awareness as far as the east is from the west. True vision is his gift, allowing you to see no blame; forgiveness is your truest purpose in this life. Seventy times seven, always, leaving the old self in a watery grave and rising to find no fault. That's grace, that's true baptism, and that's good news, wouldn't you say?
- Ted Dekker
The path into this eternal realm is faith—belief in, not about, Yeshua. Intimately knowing the father, not merely knowing about him with the mind. Even the devils know all about God and it profits them nothing. Even calling him Lord and doing many miraculous works in his name means little. Only knowing him intimately, as an infant knows.
- Ted Dekker
In fact, there are many more Fury in Haven Valley than in most places. Sylous first opened your eyes to the same fear that's always existed in the whole world, then promised to hide it from you if you follow the law. He's a spirit of religion.
- Ted Dekker
It's not that Christianity has failed; it's that so few Christians have really tried it. If you were in the truth, you would know love without fear. You think you're saved from some future hell, but as you can see, it's all around you. Fear has invaded you and blinded you to the light.
- Ted Dekker