Quotes from Ted Dekker
Thus to believe in Him is also to believe in your true, glorified self.
- Ted Dekker
What matters isn't our stated belief and doctrine but how we live and what we experience in the story of our lives, as Jesus, John, James, and Paul all make so abundantly clear. It's our actual experience and expression of life that shows us and the world what we truly believe and to what extent we truly love, not what we say we believe or who we say we love. If we say we have faith, but the workings of our life don't reflect that faith, that faith is either asleep or dead.
- Ted Dekker
In the same way, we who are clothed in Christ have great power and none greater than to love—without which, to quote Paul, the rest is nothing. But only in surrendering the old business suit do we see who we really are.
- Ted Dekker
Maybe they only come out at night," I said, staring into the flames. "Why would evil wait for night? Is it that limited?
- Ted Dekker
I would never hurt you," she said. "I can keep you safe, but to do so, I need your permission. Let me protect you.
- Ted Dekker
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.
- Ted Dekker
So many Christians today see a system in which they cannot measure up and so they feel unworthy. The church seems to have failed them.
- Ted Dekker
There are no longer any problems to solve. If there are no longer any problems to solve, there's no longer any need for correction. If there's no need for correction, then there's no need for law. Live in the grace of that which is now perfect, as it is. Be perfect, don't try to become perfect. You already are, you just don't know it yet. Be still and know.
- Ted Dekker
Receive my strength," Sylous said. "Let me protect you." Jamie's back arched under the increasing energy. "Say it!" Sylous said. "Receive me!" "I receive you!" Jamie rasped.
- Ted Dekker
The world around him began to dim. Sylous's final words sounded far away as Jamie's consciousness faded. "I need you. I need all of you.
- Ted Dekker
Fear is the devil, always, and throws on into darkness. To accept is the best way ~Saba
- Ted Dekker
There's a story about a boat caught in a terrible storm. All the passengers were terrified except one, who slept in peace even as the waves pounded the boat, threatening the lives of all on board. They called that one Yeshua. The others rushed to him and begged him to save them. He stood and asked them one question. 'Why are you afraid, you of little faith?
- Ted Dekker