Quotes from Ted Dekker
My sweetest daughter," he whispered, "in whom I see no fault, know the depths of love. A love that knows no fear. A love that formed you and named you and gave you to me. A blessing beyond my understanding." His fingers trembled. "Eli is the gift I bring you. Hear him. Keep him safe. He knows the way out of this great deception.
- Ted Dekker
Be careful, Grace, Bobbie's familiar voice warned. An echo in my mind alone. And then she was there, standing across the street, hidden in shadow, invisible to others because she was there only for me. To protect me, I thought. Against things coming. My father had come and brought the boy, Eli. Protect your heart. Even from the boy? From everything. Yes, I thought, protect my heart from everything.
- Ted Dekker
He felt like he was looking at a whole new world. Not only was he a new person, drowned in magic, but the thousands he faced were different.
- Ted Dekker
Actually, if you think about it, everything is really no more than idea. The past is nothing more than a memory, which is one kind of idea. The future is still a hope, another kind of idea. The present is fleeting and becomes a memory before you can put your hands on it. All ideas.
- Ted Dekker
You see, Eden, it's not the water that changes. It's what you make of the water that changes. It's finding no offense in the water that keeps you safe, because there's nothing to be kept safe from when you're already safe. One step at a time. Walk.
- Ted Dekker
Fear not, daughter Zion," Stephen whispered. "See, your king is coming, seated on a donkey's colt…" He spun to me, eyes flashing. "This is written of the Anointed One, in the book of Zechariah. You see, it is him! He orchestrates this with intention!
- Ted Dekker
The only way to know yourself in and as the light is to let go of all your attachments to who you think you are in this world. You know the sayings: hate your entire life, deny yourself, take up the cross. All these mean the same thing. Let go of the meaning you give life in all your judgments of value based on the knowledge of good and evil. You've heard this?" "Jesus said those things," I said, knowing the verses well.
- Ted Dekker
She was twenty-three and single, still living on the streets in San Francisco, when Sylous first promised her true sight and a community that would follow her. They would find a place in the hills of Tennessee, hidden away for them alone. A terrible tribulation was coming to the world, he'd said, but he would protect them from that Fury if they followed him.
- Ted Dekker
All things work together for good, at least for those in the narrow way.
- Ted Dekker
See with lamps on, Christy. Eyes wide open. See yourself as beautiful. The
- Ted Dekker
I never intended to hurt your feelings, my love," Sylous said as he drew his fingers along her cheek and back behind her ear. Rose inhaled desire as he traced the outline of her face. Her heart beat out of rhythm. Her skin tingled. Awe of Sylous had quickly turned to love long ago. He was her truest companion, the one she dreamed of and longed for. Next to God, Sylous had become her everything.
- Ted Dekker
Everything I do is for you and this safe haven you've built for me," Sylous said. "Do you doubt that?
- Ted Dekker