Quotes from Ted Dekker
my lack of faith was wearing thin
- Ted Dekker
We watched him go, stunned and confused. At least I did. What he said made sense in my old way of being. Sylous was an angel, sent with the word of God to the elect. He had to be.
- Ted Dekker
Imagine an infinite love that is unconditional. That can't be provoked or threatened. In that love you'll see fear for what it truly is: a shadow." She was beside herself with joy. "Imagine that! Shadows that we've gone into agreement with. But in love, the Fury vanish, because there is no fear in love, just like there's no darkness in light.
- Ted Dekker
Like all such absurd acts of aggression, nothing was accomplished.
- Ted Dekker
he loved me for who I was, not for who I could be
- Ted Dekker
How can there be love without a true choice? Would you suggest that man be stripped of the capacity to love?" This was the Great Romance. To love at any cost.
- Ted Dekker
If you were to put all of the world's pain in one fifty-five gallon drum, it would look silly next to the mountains of gold and silver found in each moment with God. Our problem is that we rarely see past the drum — The Dance of the Dead
- Ted Dekker
All fear springs from an aversion to being threatened or wronged on some level. And yet it is written that true love holds no record of wrong.3 Love does not take wrong into account. There is no fear in love. No polarity. This is Elyon's love, which sees no threat against itself because it is whole and cannot be disturbed or upset by any finite threat.
- Ted Dekker
The universe was created in the hopes of distilling a portion of genuine love — Janjic
- Ted Dekker
In the first garden, the first Adam, me, had said, Not your will, but mine, and eaten of the knowledge of good and evil, which was judgment and grievance. In the second garden, the second Adam, Yeshua, had said, Not my will, but yours, and surrendered his life.
- Ted Dekker
Let go of all that you think you know about Me, so that you can KNOW Me.
- Ted Dekker
In this world you will have troubles," he said. "It's okay. They are all only opportunities to let go and see yourself as you truly are. Be glad, because the light has overcome and all those troubles are only shadows.
- Ted Dekker