Quotes from Ted Dekker
This world we now live in may indeed be a beautiful gift from God, but do not forget that it's our union with him beyond this life for which we wait with breathless anticipation.
- Ted Dekker
When the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you. But you do not belong to the world. I have brought you out of the world and that is why it hates you.
- Ted Dekker
But know that how you see yourself doesn't define you. How I see you defines you. How you see yourself only defines your experience in the world.
- Ted Dekker
I believed all the right things about God, but could I really let go of everything and trust Him in all things? If so, I would not experience fear. There is no fear in love and God is love.
- Ted Dekker
Every moment of your life, every choice and every circumstance, has carved a path to this very moment," Mom said. "You're always exactly where you're meant to be at precisely the perfect time. You can trust that always. When it's dark and when it's light. In those times when you scream at the sky or when you turn your face up to catch the warmth of the sun—you can trust that.
- Ted Dekker
So then, we are all equally guilty, every day. How, then, does one find and know peace and power in this life when surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses who only pretend to be clean by whitewashing their reputations while pointing fingers of judgment?
- Ted Dekker
Do not allow fear to bind you up, dear one. You will only lose what you already have.
- Ted Dekker
As Paul wrote, a love that is patient, showing no jealousy or arrogance, keeping no record of wrong, not seeking its own and not provoked by another's behavior. These are the evidences of true love which flows from those who know the Father and His limitless love for them.
- Ted Dekker
Make sure your soul is attached at all times - this town will steal it in a second, given the chance.
- Ted Dekker
All fear springs from an aversion to being threatened or wronged on some level. And yet it is written that true love holds no record of wrong.
- Ted Dekker
Once born into child like faith, brimming with belief, typical people began to lose their faith. Society mocks them. Their friends smirk. They come to change the world, but over time the world changes them. Soon they forget the faith they once had. Then one day someone tells them the truth, but they don't want to go back, because they're comfortable in their new skin. Being a stranger in this world is never easy.
- Ted Dekker
To know. Not to know about.
- Ted Dekker