Quotes from Max Lucado
When times get hard, remember Jesus. When tears come, remember Jesus. When fear pitches his tent in your front yard. When death looms, when anger singes, when shame weighs heavily. Remember Jesus. Can you still remember? Are you still in love with Him? Remember, Paul begged, remember Jesus. Before you remember anything, remember Him. If you forget anything, don't forget Him.
- Max Lucado
John teaches us that the strongest relationship with Christ may not necessarily be a complicated one. He teaches us that the greatest webs of loyalty are spun, not with airtight theologies or foolproof philosophies, but with friendships: stubborn, selfless, joyful friendships.
- Max Lucado
Trust God's hold on you more than your hold on God. His faithfulness does not depend on yours. His performance is not predicated on yours. His love is not contingent on your own. Your candle may flicker, but it will not expire. God's love for you does not—will not—end.
- Max Lucado
God's grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret-riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid-to-die to ready-to-fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.1
- Max Lucado
But I can't overstate God's promise: "Unload all your worries onto him, since he is looking after you" (1 Pet. 5:7 JB).
- Max Lucado
Make the most of your relationships. Follow the advice of Benjamin Franklin: "Be slow in choosing friends and be even slower in leaving them.
- Max Lucado
Is fear coming at you from all sides? Then let God speak to you.
- Max Lucado
There is an antidote to our fears - trust. If we trust God more, we can fear less. What a comforting promise.
- Max Lucado
When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, God sends a baby into the world to do it. And where do you find God on Christmas? In a manger. A baby was born at the heart of the Roman Empire, that when the Roman Empire would crumble and fall, that baby, who would become a man, would also become a Savior of the world.
- Max Lucado
What sort of portrait of Jesus hangs on the walls of your mind? Is he sad, somber, angry? Are his lips pursed? Is he judging you? If so, visualize the laughing Christ on my wall. I've needed the reminder more times than I can say. Jesus laughed. He had fun.
- Max Lucado
Once you have seen his face you will forever long to see it again.
- Max Lucado
Who could be relied on to be the life of the party more than the one who came to give life with joy and abundance?
- Max Lucado