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Quotes from Max Lucado

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace" (John 1:16 ESV).
- Max Lucado
I will forgive them for the wicked things they did, and I will not remember their sins anymore." Hebrews 8:12
- Max Lucado
Jesus was not a godlike man, nor a manlike God. He was God-man.
- Max Lucado
38For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.
- Max Lucado
Through his power all things were made—things in heaven and on earth, things seen and unseen, all powers, authorities, lords, and rulers. All things were made through Christ and for Christ. Colossians 1:16
- Max Lucado
One's imagination is kindled thinking about the conversation of the innkeeper and his family at the breakfast table. Did anyone mention the arrival of the young couple the night before? Did anyone ask about their welfare? Did anyone comment on the pregnancy of the girl on the donkey? Perhaps. Perhaps someone raised the subject. But, at best, it was raised, not discussed. There was nothing that novel about them. They were, possibly, one of several families turned away that night.
- Max Lucado
Because of Bethlehem, I have a Savior in heaven. Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the cradle became the King on the cross. And because he did, there are no marks on my record. Just grace. His offer has no fine print. He didn't tell me, "Clean up before you come in." He offered, "Come in and I'll clean you up." It's not my grip on him that matters but his grip on me. And his grip is sure.
- Max Lucado
And that he, who can dig the Grand Canyon with his pinkie, thinks you're worth his death on Roman timber. Christ is the reward of Christianity.
- Max Lucado
Jesus … bats an eyelash, and nature jumps.
- Max Lucado
And I will remember their sins no more." Wow! Now, that is a remarkable promise. God doesn't just forgive, he forgets … For all the things he does do, this is one thing he refuses to do. He refuses to keep a list of my wrongs.
- Max Lucado
Any doubt of the Father's love disappeared the night God was wrapped in barnyard towels so the hay wouldn't scratch his back.
- Max Lucado
If you see your troubles as nothing more than isolated hassles and hurts, you'll grow bitter and angry. Yet if you see your troubles as tests used by God for his glory and your maturity, then even the smallest of incidents takes on significance.
- Max Lucado