Quotes from Max Lucado
Adán acusó a Eva. CaÃ
- Max Lucado
This time, instead of starting with what you have, start with Jesus. Start with his wealth, his resources, and his strength. Before you open the ledger, open your heart.
- Max Lucado
You and I can learn the same. Christ-based contentment turns us into strong people. Since no one can take our Christ, no one can take our joy. Can death take our joy? No, Jesus is greater than death. Can failure take our joy? No, Jesus is greater than our sin. Can betrayal take our joy? No, Jesus will never leave us. Can sickness take our joy? No, God has promised, whether on this side of the grave or the other, to heal us.
- Max Lucado
Here is something that helps me stay in step with the Spirit. We know that the "fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Galatians 5:22—23 NASB). God's Spirit creates and distributes these characteristics. They are indicators on my spiritual dashboard. So whenever I sense them, I know I am walking in the Spirit. Whenever I lack them, I know I am out of step with the Spirit.
- Max Lucado
Before you count coins or count heads, count the number of times Jesus has helped you face the impossible. Before you lash out in fear, look up in faith. Take a moment. Turn to your Father for help.
- Max Lucado
Sin not only breaks our relationship with God, it also hampers our relationships with others.
- Max Lucado
Revenge is irreverent … To forgive someone is to display reverence. Forgiveness is not saying the one who hurt you was right. Forgiveness is stating that God is faithful and he will do what is right.
- Max Lucado
God's goal for you is wholeness.
- Max Lucado
The Israelites prevailed because Moses prayed. Moses prevailed because he had others to pray with him.
- Max Lucado
Guilt is God's idea. He uses it the way highway engineers use rumble strips. When we swerve off track, they call us back. Guilt does the same. It leaves us more alive, more concerned, more sensitive, more reverant, more human, more passionate,more responsible.
- Max Lucado
Who can satisfy Madison Avenue? No one can. For that reason Jesus warns, "Be careful and guard against all kinds of greed" (Luke 12:15). from Cure for the Common Life
- Max Lucado
You might question the purpose behind this thread or that. But be assured, God has a pattern. He has a plan. He is not finished, but when he is, the lace will be beautiful.
- Max Lucado