Quotes from Max Lucado
Anytime we trust an object or activity to give us life and meaning, we worship it.
- Max Lucado
The story of Joseph is in the Bible for this reason: to teach you to trust God to trump evil. What Satan intends for evil, God, the Master Weaver and Master Builder, redeems for good.
- Max Lucado
Because of Calvary, I'm free to choose. And so I choose. I choose love . . . No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness.
- Max Lucado
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek his grace.
- Max Lucado
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. PSALM 23:6 NKJV
- Max Lucado
God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
- Max Lucado
Fear, at its center, is a perceived loss of control. When life spins wildly, we grab for a component of life we can manage: our diet, the tidiness of a house, the armrest of a plane, or, in many cases, people. The more insecure we feel, the meaner we become.
- Max Lucado
Nothing has a greater impact on spiritual growth than reflection on Scripture. If churches could do only one thing to help people at all levels of spiritual maturity grow in their relationship with Christ, their choice is clear. They would inspire, encourage, and equip their people to read the Bible.1
- Max Lucado
God is always near us. Always for us. Always in us. We may forget him, but God will never forget us.
- Max Lucado
God is unchanging. The weather changes. Fashion changes. Even change changes. God has not changed and cannot and will not ever change. He is always the same—yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Heb. 6:17—18).
- Max Lucado
Upper-room futility. A little bit of faith but very little fire.
- Max Lucado
He planted a one-word caution sign between you and hell's path: perish. "Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Jesus spoke of hell often. Thirteen percent of his teachings refer to eternal judgment and hell.4 Two-thirds of his parables relate to resurrection and judgment.5 Jesus wasn't cruel or capricious, but he was blunt. His candor stuns.
- Max Lucado