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Quotes from Max Lucado

That's the point. Listen closely. Jesus' love does not depend on what we do for him. Not at all. In the eyes of the King, you have value simply because you are. You don't have to look nice or perform well. Your value is inborn. Period.
- Max Lucado
The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: grace.
- Max Lucado
How many churches today find themselves paralyzed in the upper room? How many congregations have just enough religion to come together, but not enough passion to go out. If the doors aren't locked, they might as well be. Upper room futility - a little bit of faith but very little fire.
- Max Lucado
David did many might deeds in his life. He did many foolish deeds in his life. But perhaps the noblest was their rarely discussed deed: he honored the tired soldiers at Brook Besor. (Facing Your Giants) p 78
- Max Lucado
In God's plan every life is long enough and every death is timely. And though you and I might wish for a longer life, God knows better. And—this is important—though you and I may wish a longer life for our loved ones, they don't. Ironically, the first to accept God's decision of death is the one who dies.
- Max Lucado
Jesus entered our world not like a human but as a human.
- Max Lucado
Do art critics give awards to the canvas? Is there a Pulitzer for ink? Can you imagine a scalpel growing smug after a successful heart transplant? Of course not. They are only tools, so they get no credit for the accomplishments. And the message of the Twenty-third Psalm is that we have nothing to be proud about either.
- Max Lucado
since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.
- Max Lucado
So did yours. Joseph's pit came in the form of a cistern. Maybe yours came in the form of a diagnosis, a foster home, or a traumatic injury. Joseph was thrown in a hole and despised. And you? Thrown in an unemployment line and forgotten. Thrown into a divorce and abandoned, into a bed and abused. The pit. A kind of death, waterless and austere. Some people never recover. Life is reduced to one quest: get out and never be hurt again. Not simply done. Pits have no easy exits.
- Max Lucado
I was raised in the greatest of homes... just a really great dad, and I miss him so much... he was a good man, a real simple man... Very faithful, always loved my mom, always provided for the kids, and just a lot of fun.
- Max Lucado
Truth can arrive within the story and ride latent - a bit incognito - within a story, and people are more prone to receive it.
- Max Lucado
The claims of Christ are always on trial, and we remain under oath! We are his witnesses for truth.
- Max Lucado