Quotes from Charles Stanley
Life Lessons 6:12 — Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Jesus spent all night in prayer immediately before He chose the twelve disciples who would accompany Him everywhere. Whenever we make any decision—major or minor—we should follow His example and wholeheartedly seek His counsel.
- Charles Stanley
If where winning spiritually, we're a winner.
- Charles Stanley
If I win, I win, and if I lose, I win because my responsibility is to obey God and to leave the consequences up to him.
- Charles Stanley
Really is—in all His power, majesty, wisdom, glory, and honor. He is the King of kings. If He commands it, so shall it be! The more you realize this, the more you'll have faith like the centurion's—trust that honors God and brings Him joy. Jesus, I trust what You say! You are worthy of all my love, devotion, and respect. Amen! My hope is in Jesus because He is worthy of my trust.
- Charles Stanley
Philippians 3:3 instructs, "Serve God by his Spirit . . . boast in Christ Jesus . . . put no confidence in the flesh." It will not only satisfy your being but will also build intimacy in your relationship with him.
- Charles Stanley
Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.
- Charles Stanley
We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength.
- Charles Stanley
You always have God's undivided attention.
- Charles Stanley
Prayer is the link between God's inexhaustible resources and people's needs...God is the source of power, but we are the instrument He uses to link the two together.
- Charles Stanley
We must remember that the shortest distance between our problems and their solutions is the distance between our knees and the floor.
- Charles Stanley
Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we're waiting for.
- Charles Stanley
First priority becomes first action.
- Charles Stanley