Quotes from Joyce Meyer
Grace is God doing for us what we could never do and what we will never deserve.
- Joyce Meyer
One day, the idea that God loved me dropped from my head into my heart.
- Joyce Meyer
God will help you be all you can be, but he will never let you be successful at becoming someone else.
- Joyce Meyer
Our problems are God's opportunities.
- Joyce Meyer
I believe it's easy to serve God if we learn to hear from Him before we struggle to do things for Him that He never asked us to do.
- Joyce Meyer
Too many Christians live their lives like slaves - to the devil - because they believe his lies more than they trust God.
- Joyce Meyer
When we trust God more than our feelings, it confuses the devil. I mean, when he throws you his best shot and he can't budge you from believing God, he won't know what to do with you anymore.
- Joyce Meyer
God forgives us and remembers our sin no more; therefore, stop remembering what God has forgotten.
- Joyce Meyer
We cannot know God apart from His Word.
- Joyce Meyer
It is God's will to bless us, but not necessarily on our terms. Sometimes what we think would be a wonderful blessing would not bless us at all.
- Joyce Meyer
If we continue to believe God and place our trust in Him, bad things ultimately give way to better things.
- Joyce Meyer
Be it unto you, even as you believe. In God's economy, we believe first and then see.
- Joyce Meyer